Walpole Celebrates Volunteers at the Annual Blessing of the Emergency Fleet
What’s inside?
- Walpole Primary School Presentation Night: A Celebration of Achievement and Community
- Let’s celebrate Christmas together at the Walpole Makers Collective
- Bushfire Ready – Are you Ready?
- Giants Trailhead at Pioneer Park

Walpole ocean rescue halted until 2025
What’s inside?
- Working towards Walpole World Heritage Area
- Pumped hydro project awaits grid connection to power Walpole during blackouts
- The Wood Dragon returns to the Walpole Community Garden
- Tony Boyle Weekly update
- Farewell from Regan Marsh, the CRC’s tech guru
- 19th Annual Walpole-Denmark Cricket Clash: Wobbegongs Triumph Once Again
Walpole heroes in action! Helicopter rescue at Mt Hopkins

- Christ Church Grammar School celebrates 34th year of Year 10 Venture programme
- Free Wi-fi on Telstra payphones for Walpole and Nornalup
- Walpole Borefield Trial Re-Commencing
- The Abby Carnaby Chronicles
- Shot-hole Borer update from the Shire of Manjimup
Nornalup locals enjoy new Pétanque terrain
What’s inside?
- Steiner School celebrates Annual Spring Fair
- Local cartoon girl interviews TV news legend, Rick Ardon
- Photo of the week!
- Tony Boyle Weekly update
- End of an era
- Pet Scammers off the leash on social media

Blues at Bridgetown – A Weekend to Remember
New faces at Walpole Hardware
Giants Trails update
Walpole Primary shines in Art Trail
- Songwriting competition for rural and regional WA
- Upcoming Changes in Reporting Requirements for Not-for-Profits
- Halloween Picnic a spooky success for Children’s Week
- Bushfire risks and dangers
- Photo of the week!
From Ocean to Outback: Supporting the Royal Flying Doctor Service
What’s inside?
- Walpole Primary School participates in FORM’s Creative Schools Programme
- Outward Bound empowers youth in Expedition courses in Walpole-Nornalup National Park
- Free mammograms for women over 40 in Walpole
- Guinea pigs, Storytime and a surprise at the Walpole Library
- Get Online Week at the Walpole CRC
- Weekly Quiz