Government Payouts Simplified

Hi Everyone,

Please find details in the attachments a simplified version of the ATO’s payouts for the Corona Virus Pandemic. I personally found them very useful and wanted to share them as widely as possible for others.

One thing that isn’t mentioned in the income support for individuals is:

If my partner still has a job, am I eligible for Centrelink?

We’ve received a lot of questions on this one.

As it currently stands, if you lose your job and your partner earns more than $1,850 a fortnight ($48,100 a year) you will not be eligible for the Jobseeker Payment.

However, things are changing rapidly and there are calls for this to be increased.

The attachments detailed below explain the:

I hope this is helpful.

Kind regards

Cherie Smith Walpole Community Resource Manager

Government Payouts Simplified


Hi Everyone,


Please find details in the attachments a simplified version of the ATO’s payouts for the Corona Virus Pandemic. I personally found them very useful and wanted to share them as widely as possible for others.


One thing that isn’t mentioned in the income support for individuals is:


If mynpartner still has a job, am I eligible for Centrelink?


We’ve received a lot of questions onnthis one.


As it currently stands, if you losenyour job and your partner earns more than $1,850 a fortnight ($48,100 a year)nyou will not be eligible for the Jobseeker Payment.


However, things are changing rapidlynand there are calls for this to be increased.



The attachments detailed below explain the:


I hope this is helpful.


Kind regards


Cherie Smith Walpole Community Resource Manager
