Date Archive was created: 24/02/2023 N.V
DFES Volunteer Employee Recognition Award
- littleBIG Art Prize 2019 Winners Announced
- Walpole Artisan Markets
- Walpole Community Resource Centre News
Av’a G’day 2019
- New Automated Answering Service
- Big Aussie Breakfast in the Park
- Fundraising evening for the Albany Radiation Project
Wave Capsizes boat in Peaceful Bay
- Seniors Computing is Back
- New Venture in Walpole
- Australian Touring RV Club is coming to Walpole in October
- The time is coming – Keep Australia Beautiful
We all Ad’a G’day in Walpole
- Gary Hunter named the Shire of Manjimup’s 2019 ‘Community Citizen of the Year.
- Nornalup Residents and Ratepayers Association Shire of Denmark’s 2019 ‘Active Citizenship Group’ Award.
- No Power – Cut off from the World and it’s not the Premier’s problem?
- Be Scam-smart and be safe.
Emergency! What can you do?
- Exhibition at Zig Zag Gallery
- Firefighters from WA travel to Tassie to help out
- Opera in the Park
- Walpole Yacht Club BBQ & Regatta Planning
Summer Visitor – Square Tailed Kite
- Car Boot Sale
- Warnings from firefighters
- Delirious W.E.S.T 200 Miler
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its Scenic Helicopters on Valentine’s Day
- Missed Opportunity?
- South Coast Festival of Birds & Biodiversity taking flight
- Heard a Mopoke Lately
The End for Boxhall’s Tree
- Scams
- Nornalup Art Competition Opens
- Looking Back with Molly
- A Diet of Flowers
Walpole ‘In the Trees Regatta 2019
- New Weekly Events Page 3 – see page 13 for details
- Walpole Primary School P & C is in need of a President
- Mr Murphy On The Move
- Walpole Makers Collective Inc. Survey
Power(ful) Message
- Comms Theft could be a matter of Life or Death
- Walpole Community Bus
- Boylee Cournel, Novice, Future Star?
- Walpole Primary School’s Boat Show
- Walpole ‘In the Trees Regatta’
Walpole Golfers challenged
- Spare Parts Puppet Theatre – Blueback
- Telstra answers the call to boost mobile coverage in Great Southern
- Op Shop News
- Protest demonstration in Walpole
- 40 bed aged care facility for Denmark
- New Oven for the Walpole Community Hall
- ATRC- recent meeting
Shire enters Tidy Towns
- Mahjong in Walpole
- Cycling for Mental Health Crusade
- Win Pascoe’s celebration service
- Walpole Yacht Club – End of Season
Commandery Commendation
- Fresh produce needed for P & C
- ‘Old Bones – shape shifting Banksias
- Walpole Enduro 2019
Workplace Learning @ WCRC
- School Holiday Program
- Graffiti removal
- It’s our nature
- Restricted burning extended
Blaze Aid Fundraiser
- Consultation on Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation
- Thurlby Herb Farm Cafe Farewell
- Training opportunities taken up in the regions
- Local teamwork demonstrates sense of Community over Easter
Anzac Day Commemoration
- Dawn Service Twilight
- St John’s Ambulance – Urgent Call for Volunteers
- Pioneer Photographer showcased in Guest Speakers presentation at AGM
- Making a World of Difference- National Volunteers Week
There must be a better way
- Newly appointed Walpole-Nornalup Visitor Centre Coordinator
- Voluntary Assisted Dying
- Lorraine Cooper retires after nineteen years
- Keep Walpole Pristine – Adopt a Spot
A Concern for the Community – Walpole Bendigo Agency Closing
- Walpole’s Bendigo Bank Agency
- Community Twilight Event
- New fire trucks boast improved safety features
- Upgrades to national park go ahead
Community Twilight Event
- The Future is in your Hands
- Superintendent Drops in for a Chat
- Meeting to Address Power Outages
- We Bridged the Gap
Kicking Goals in Walpole
- Nornalup all set for Art Show, Picnic
- WA leading way with permanent winter sprinkler switch off
- Reply to J Chadwick incl.Apology to Shire of Manjimup
Sun shines for Nornalup Picnic
- Blockade established to defend old growth karri forest
- Walpole Free Camping still under Review
- Regional people want less blanket policy, more strategic support
- 200 Women needed for Dance Performances
OAM for Local Doctor
- A Star is born
- Nornalup art competition winners
- No Rubbishing Kathy
- BTH Ladies soup & sandwich fundraiser for Cancer Foundation
One of the biggest Truffles
- Manuka Life initiative gets EPA approval
- Looking Back with Molly
- Walpole Nornalup Inlets Marine Park – Fish Research Update
- Male Dolphins Like Sponging For Mates
Centrelink to Visit Walpole
- Marilyn Barrington: From Realism to Abstraction
- Lewin Forest Update
- Beware tax time scams
- This is a disgrace
Bank Closure after 14 years
- School Holiday Program
- Walpole joins the fight against the plastic pollution
- Circus Beach clean up
- One door closes, another opens – or so they say
Could you hold the answer?
- Belinda’s Brave Walk
- Voice, Treaty, Truth
- URWalpole Art Project – Fabulous Fungi
Tourism Icon Closure
- Winter Bushfires?
- Weed work on the Walpole Foreshore Reserve
- Southern Forests Blackwood Valley Tourism Association welcomes new CEO
- Fox Rabbit and Feral Pig Control
Denmark House Fire
- Wildlife Trapping
- Belinda’s Final Step
- Desert Rose visits Walpole
- Walpole’s Kalin Lane debuts for WAFL colts
Mining Tenement For Lake Muir
- Roadside Litter, just Disgraceful.
- South West Measles Outbreak
- France Bans Pesticides Linked to Bee Deaths
New Zealand fur seal holidaying on the Frankland River
- Rare Orchid Destroyed
- Australian seafood industry steps up to the plate in war against plastic
- Holidays with the Pecks
New Trainee Joins Walpole Community Resource Centre
- WA Pensioner Free Travel Scheme Going Digital
- Whale Disentanglement
- Buy a minute for 70 cents
Springing into Walpole Wilderness
- Keep Australia Beautiful Week
- Your Local Ambulance Needs Your Help
- Ngari Capes Marine Park Buoy visits Walpole Nornalup Inlets Marine Park
- Handmade Knitted Knockers bring comfort to breast cancer survivors
A Week of farewells at Silver Chain
- It’s Not Just About Boats
- Illegal abalone dealers pay the heavy price
- ‘Top secret’ medicinal cannabis farm opens in WA
- Monster Mosaics
Australian Auroras Dragon Boat Campaign in Thailand- Fantastic Results!
- Spring into Parks Community Sundowner
- Catholic Services to Resume in Walpole
- Stepping Stones to Artistic Success
- State Government Bins Local Litter Hero
- WA politicians begin gruelling job of debating ‘assisted dying’ laws
Springing into the Community Sundowner
- Official visit at the Walpole CRC
- WA wildflower tracker launched
- Walpole Wilderness Walk of the week
- Brenda brings home the medals
The Wonders of Walpole
- Opera in the Valley – Tickets on Sale Now – Get in Quick
- Ancient Healing in Walpole
- Tree Top Walk showcases local artists
- Wildern and Cryptic, Mysterious, Enigmatic
Springtime at the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk
- What was he thinking?
- Walpole Wilderness Walk of the Week
- Celebrating ‘Shed Life’ this Men’s Shed Week
- National Services for Carers
$upport for CRC’s
- Experienced Members of our Community Back in School
- Team Norman Talavera
- Bornholm Beach: Conquering Western Australia’s toughest four-wheel drive track
- Boyle takes the Win
ATRV Club celebrates 20 Years
- Walpole gran driven by runner’s high
- #So_My_Fest 2019
- A 60,000 year old Cure for Depression
- Walpole is on the Shire’s Radar
Join us in support of #NBCF
- Kinder Gym
- Get Online Week
- Donations for the Jardine Family P3 & 8
- 17th National Caravan Rally
- Birthday Celebrations for Walpole Recreation Centre
Eggs, Elves and Endowment
- Denmark Landcare Champion set to represent WA
- CRC attends P3 Conference
- Get Online Week – Win an Ipad
- A solid show of support for local couple – Jardine Family
That was Then, This is Now
- Beach Debris Collection
- Thank you from the Jardine Family
- And Now For Something Completely Different
- Fremantle International Portrait Prize 2019
- Monster Mosaics
Happy 21st Birthday
- Major timber mill stripped of its contract for secretly exporting logs
- Four local Walpole groups benefit from unique grant
- UWA student awarded 2020 Rhodes Scholarship
- Official Opening and Big 50th
All BAH no Blah
- Jetty Closure
- National Recycling Week
- Sri Lankan Cooking & Seniors Computing Class Prize Winner
- High School Honors
Our Volunteer FRS celebrate 50 Years
- Murky changes to marron movement regulations
- Commemoration at Walpole War Memorial
- Manjimup Cherry Harmony Festival Inaugural Prize
- Bushfires equals fake charity scams
The Karris are alight
- Shop closure a sign of the times
- Chance to take part in free pilot program
- Eco-tourism on the horizon for Leadership Award Recipient
- Farewell Get together for Lee & Steve Hunter 3:30pm to 6pm 3rd December 2019 @ Walpole Country Club
Opera Amidst the Tingles
- Thank A Volunteer, Blessing of the Fleet
- Historical Society launches new website:
- WCRC’s Guiding Light
- Volunteer Recognition
- Recycle Week with Walpole Primary School
The Tern Returns
- Johnson/Calleja Wedding
- Its Christmas Party & Carols By Candle Light Time & Everyone’s Invited
- An Air Crash Changed My Life – An Inventors Story
- Voluntary Euthanasia becomes law in WA
The Countdown is on!
- Hay Brings Hope
- Hoodwinked
- Farewell to a Life Member
- Christmas Colouring Competition Bonanza
- Hampers of Cheer
- Walpole Country Club Christmas Party